LaSh 2016 - The Fifth Workshop on Logic and Search

October 17, 2016

The LaSh Workshops on Logic and Search are devoted to the study of logic-based methods for specifying and solving computational search and optimization problems. LaSh 2016 will be held on October 17 as part of ICLP 2016, the 32nd International Conference on Logic Programming, October 17-21, New York City, USA. See the LaSh home page for details of previous meetings.


  9:00     Marijn Heule , UT Austin     Everything's Bigger in Texas: The Largest Math Proof Ever (abstract; paper)  
  10:00     Neng-Fa Zhou , CUNY     Solving Constraint Problems with Picat SAT (abstract)  
  10:30    Coffee
  11:00     Evgenia Ternovska, SFU     A Computational View of Modular Systems  
  11:30     Bart Bogaerts, Aalto U     Propagators for Modular Systems (abstract; paper)  
  12:00     Molham Aref, LogicBlox     Solver-Aided Declarative Programming (abstract)  
  12:45     Break   LaSh Lunch (location TBA)

Please see the Call for Contributions. Address queries to mitchell at cs dot sfu dot ca.

Combinatorial search problems arise in almost every area of computer science and a wide range of application domains. Many realistic problems are computationally challenging, complex to specify, or involve integration of multiple systems. Recent decades have seen dramatic progress in our capability of solving computationally challenging search problems. High level, declarative specification languages have begun to make it easier to exploit this computational capability. Logic based methods have been central in this development, with SAT solvers and related technologies such as ASP and SMT solvers being applied to a growing array of real problems, and representation languages based on various logics used for high-level modelling. Related tools, such as constraint modelling langauges and algebraic modelling languages, can also be viewed through the lense of logic. Current topics include development of more sophisticated solving architectures and issues in modularity and composition of languages and solvers.

The purpose of the LaSh workshops is to foster scientific exchange between researchers interested in both the theory and practice of logic-based combinatorial problem solving. The scope includes study of relevant logics, algorithms, and logic-based systems, and also study of other languages and systems from the viewpoint of logic, broadly construed. LaSh is an occasion to discuss technical problems, formulate challenges and opportunities, compare and contrast techniques of different groups, and examine possible synergies and integrations. LaSh 2016 follows previous LaSh meetings held in 2014, 2010, 2008 2006.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

LaSh Steering Committee:

LaSh 2016 Organizers: